Minimal Content Focused Blog & Magazine
Gorgo is a minimal content focused Blog and Magazine Theme. Use it to write posts. Create a magazine. Share your ideas and desires.
Start with a unique demo to create personal blog mamazine or
fucaused content site
Dark Mode
A quick tour of main features
Create an unlimited number of pages uaing widgets, menus and the WordPress Customizer. Without the hassle of bloated features and hundreds of admin settingd.
Robust and very simple demo importer: post, sample slider, widgets, theme options and more are imported in one minute.
Manage subscriptions with Paid Memberships Pro and monetize your site with exclusive content.
Launch a shop to enhance the craze of your community and spread the word!
Your readers will be able to like your publications. Create a real community!
Enjoy browsing your site on mobile phones, tablets and desktop